Friday, July 20, 2012

The Good, The Bad & The Lessons Learnt Along The Way

In my life, it has always been the small things that have really given me the bigger and better smiles, filled my days with heartwarming happiness and really made living this life worthwhile. It’s like the sense of achievement of correctly working out a super hard math problem but ironically nothing in life can be worked out. Really!

You just got to go with the flow and pray like-your-life-depended-on-it that in the end life will work itself out.

If you ever thought about your life as a 15 mark ICSE Board Essay Question, where you argue both sides of the case, then right now, I would like to rant some shit straight out of my head . . .

There is always the Good Times …

The proud look on your parents’ face when they think you have achieved something, the little appreciations by the closest of friends, the random thought of your favorite song lines doing live performances in your head the moment your mum starts yelling at you, the boy you love talks to you or just gazes at you for that nano-second eye contact giving your average day the look of a rock concert, a semi – lazy day when half your brain just wants to day dream and the other half waits to become the first half, the brilliant smile your grandma gives you the moment you walk through her doors like that just made her day, the extra chat with your closest friend after everyone has left the room, feeling like Superman on a fresh morning followed by Spiderman … Batman … and ending your day just being human …, the endless roaming on empty roads of an unknown place where no one comes out, being a part of those typical gossip sessions where everything gets so incredibly exaggerated resulting in endless laughs … tummy aches and the not so needed abs development!, eating at your favorite place and relishing every morsel like it was your last time there, a sudden shiver down your spine when you hear your favorite beats and you end up dancing like no ones watching and finally come the times when you have been really stupid, childish and all those adjectives you thought you had grown out of and never want to be associated with . . .

Then of course come the Bad Times …

When you found out time ran you out, and it has been doing it ever since you started running with it, when you never had an idea that things you owned started owning you, friends you loved to be with left without being with you, the boy you thought about at least once every hour could pass days without you, the things you are good at came in the way of learning things you weren’t good at, when you care about your close ones more than anyone else does to their own ones, when you find a greater comfort in a child’s eyes than the ones within your own age group, when you think life isn’t a fair deal and it treats everyone differently, when you know almost everything out there can give you pain and you have to chose what’s worth that pain . . .

And in the end, all you have are The Lessons You Learnt Along The Way . . .

When your faith in God strengthens every he ditches you, when you have stood tall in every tough time, so that when the happier times finally come you are better than before . . . And the day will come when it dawns on you that you should stop asking for things from God because what he can give you is always way more than what you can ask for . . .

I end this blog post today with the words of Imogen Heap – Song: Hide & Seek

“ Where are we? What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to fall,
Crop circles in the carpet, sinking feeling.
Spin me around again and rub my eyes.
This can’t be happening.
When busy streets a mess with people
Would stop to hold their heads heavy”